"For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat.... I was in prison and you came to visit me" Mt.25:35-36

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  O u r  A d d r e s s

Jubilee Prison Ministries, PO Box 935, Eugene, OR. 97440

  O u r  M i s s i o n

Jubilee Ministries is a faith-supported, non-denominational, non-profit ministry, dedicated to demonstrating God's love to prisoners and their families all over the world - presenting them with the Good News
of the Gospel - that there is a lasting freedom & an eternal pardon available through a personal relationship with our risen Lord,
Jesus Christ.

  O u r  H i s t o r y

Jubilee began in 1978, when Chaplin Dan Blomberg began ministering to the prisoners of the Lane County Jail in Eugene, Oregon. Entirely supported by small, individual donations given by faithful God-led supporters, Jubilee is a living example of God's provision and grace to all those living in prison. Today Jubilee has grown to include scores of volunteers ministering God's Love to those behind bars in many different ways. For more than 20 years Jubilee has ministered to thousands of prisoners all across the United States, and around the world. For all that Jubilee has done, or will ever do, we give all the Praise & Glory to God !!


  Setting the Captives Free .... One Life at a Time